Well, today it was Emma and Jake's turn to go to the dentist. Caleb went yesterday and was very excited to learn he had 1 loose tooth. Emma was quite nervous about going, and kept making sure I would be back there with her. I let Caleb go get his teeth cleaned by himself, and he did great, but Emma wasn't ready for that. So we got back pretty quickly, and there were 2 girls--1 to clean Emma's teeth, and 1 to clean Jake's. So I was back there with both of them, but wasn't able to be right near Emma--but she did great! I was so proud of her. I didn't hear any fussing. Jake was a different story. I had to hold him down while trying to keep his hands and everything else still. He definately hated going! Thankfully he still doesn't have that many teeth:-) So after everything was over ( no cavities for anyone) the kids were give a token and picked something out of the turnstile. Emma got a sticky eyeball, and Jake got a bouncy ball, which he promptly lost. So the hygenist took pity on him and gave him another token for another ball. Then it was off to Walmart and then home. I put Jake down for a nap, and then took the next 30 minutes to corral Emma to get her in bed. Jake usually goes to sleep without any problem, but he was still playing, so I went in to check and make sure he hasn't left a present in his diaper. When I went in, he was completely naked! I don't know how he managed to get everything off, but it was all on the floor, and he was jumping around in his bed. Thankfully he hadn't peed or pooped on anything, so I got him out of his bed and redressed him, this time with a onesie on underneath his clothes. He fell asleep quickly after that. I told dad later on that he just wanted to have his own "naked room". Thankfully both kids took a nap, so I was able to get some laundry done. The rest of the day was thankfully uneventful.