Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Too much to do!

I am one tired momma:-) Christmastime always makes me more tired, but add baby who has suddenly stopped sleeping through the night and this momma is more than tired:-(. Here is all I have done over the past few weeks:
ordered gifts for all family members, even a few for myself
wrapped said gifts
bought more gift bags/tissue paper/etc
made 2 cakes with homemade frosting for class parties
bought sprinkles, m&m's , and treat bags for parties
made food for teacher gifts
bought gifts for teacher gifts
helped with a school science project
went up to the school to see daughter present said project
strained back getting youngest back into the car after viewing said project
bought all food for Christmas at our house this year
determined menu for Christmas and made list after list after list
made sure Santa had his ducks in a row for gifts this year
ordered shirts for Christmas cards
took pictures for Christmas cards
ordered cards
addressed and mailed out 50 plus cards
decorated the house for Christmas (with help from the kids and the husband)
made sure the kids were fed and bathed while everything was going on
laundry, laundry, laundry
cleaning, cleaning, cleaning
moving furniture to make room for the tree

This is all that has gone on over the past few weeks in our home. I love Christmastime--it is my favorite holiday. I hope I don't sound ungrateful or like I am whining. I just want this to look back on to remind myself to START EARLIER next year:-) I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and remembers the true reason we celebrate!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

4 month well child check-up

Will had his 4 month check up today. He weighed 14 lbs 14 oz, which was the 50th %, and was 25 1/2 in long which was the 75th %. He got 3 shots today and did really well with them--he only cried for about 1 minute. He has slept a bit more today, which worked out great for me. We were able to run some errands this morning, which meant I was able to go to Best Buy, Hobby Lobby, and Walmart before I had to pick up Jake from school. I had to go to Hobby Lobby to try and find some things to make a tree topper with, as Emma pointed out we didn't have one. I will post a picture of how it turned out--not sure I'm crazy about it but it works for this year:-) I also picked up our Christmas cards and will hopefully get those out by Friday. I was going to order from shutterfly but they wouldn't arrive until the 20th:-)
We didn't do too much else today--Caleb had mail club after school so I decided to make cube steak in the oven for supper--quick prep and easy meal. Hopefully I can keep posting more often--I really want to be able to look back and remember this crazy time in our lives:-)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's (finally) beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

I just wanted to show some pictures of our decorating thus far--Shon and the kids really pitched in and helped out:-) Here you go!

Friday, December 10, 2010

4 months old!

Will you are 4 months old today! Here are some highlights from the last month:

You went on your first road trip--we drove to Mountain Home and then Fayetteville for a wedding. You also traveled to Lepanto for Thanksgiving. You did great in the car--only fussing when you were hungry.

You weighed 14.5 lbs at your ENT appointment last week:)

You have been mostly sleeping through the night, save for a few days this week.

You still eat about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day.

You have started giggling, which I love to hear.

You are wearing 3-6 month clothes and they fit:)

You love to bounce up and down so we got you a jumparoo--your feet don't touch the floor yet but we think you will really like it when you get a little taller.

You are still on Zantac 1.3 ml TID for your reflux. We tried Prevacid but it did not agree with your tummy.

We cannot wait to see what you are doing next month!